Customer research software

Supercharge your customer research

Memir helps you find the user needs and product opportunities that matter the most to your business with the help of AI - so that you can focus on being creative.

Build features with real business impact
Memir matches your user needs with business goals to identify the problems that are worth focusing on.
Identify hidden user needs
Create innovative solutions that differentiate the company from competitors and unlock new business opportunities.
Make data-driven decisions
Memir generates concrete problem statements and opportunity suggestions, all with an impact rating, making it easier for teams make informed decisions.

how memir works

01. Set your goal.

Give Memir information on your long term business goals and short term product goals to start a new project.

02. Import user data.

Upload or import quantitative and qualitative user data and documents. For instance, you can upload transcriptions from servicedesk, CSV-files from App Store and Google Play or user interviews you have conducted.

You can choose to use your own files or fill in and upload the templates we provide.

03. Let Memir do it's magic.

Memir will break down, interpret and analyse your documents using a language based model. The data is then matched with your goals to find most profitable problem spaces to work on.

04. Start creating.

Memir will provide you with all the potential opportunities your product has. Formated in a unbiased and pragmatical format. Each one with a impact rating that shows you the estimated potential impact of the problem.

Copy and paste it straight into your favorite project management tool.

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